High Woods Sportsman’s Club

Established in 1955, High Woods Sportsman’s Club is a non-profit whose purpose is to promote the interest in the conservation of the earth's natural resources, the safe use of firearms and archery equipment and to pass onto our youth the spirit and enthusiasm of archery and firearms skills.

Next Club Event

Sunday’s Work Party has been cancelled because of the weather. We will be putting out the 3-D archery targets on Tues and Wed .

The Club

Located on 43 acres in Saugerties, High Woods Sportsman’s Club features a firearms range, indoor and outdoor archery ranges, and a full kitchen.

Learn about the property, our shooting leagues, events and membership.

Calendar of Events

Join us for a meeting, an archery shoot or a blackpowder shoot. Click below to see our club calendar.

Stay Up To Date

Sign up for updates about the club’s shooting leagues, dinners, work parties and meetings.